Carlton Manor, Inc. serves our community’s most vulnerable children through services in three specialized therapeutic group homes and more than thirty specially trained therapeutic foster care homes in Pinellas, Hillsborough and Pasco Counties. Carlton Manor’s expertise in caring for the severely emotionally disturbed child is matched by the passion and compassion of the skilled caregivers that have been working to benefit these children for thirty years.
Carlton Manor, Inc. consistently provides a loving and structured environment so that each child’s primary need for safety, security and support are wholly met. Through intensive services provided by a dedicated treatment team, emotional wounds are healed, positive self esteem is built, confidence is instilled, fears are outgrown, educational needs are addressed, and pro-social interpersonal skills and behaviors are developed. Our young children and youth suffer with severe emotional handicaps due to a life history of family dysfunction, neglect, abandonment and in many instances severe emotional, physical and sexual abuse.
Our managers

Paul Buxbaum

Barb Bennett